Lance en septembre 2014, sa campagne de crowdfunding a vu 38 615 personnes donner 2 154 282 de bucks ce jour. Cet argent va donc servir la phase pilote du projet, savoir les tests en situations relles. La partie la plus difficile du processus dingnierie du projet est la notion des barrires flottantes. En effet, ces larges panneaux seront plongs en profondeur et doivent tenir bon aux conditions extrmes, tout en tant suffisamment souples pour rsister aux mouvement des ocans, ainsi qutre sans danger pour la faune et la flore aquatique. Le projet nest pas aussi simple que dattraper les dchets dans des filets, mais plutt de les dvier en utilisant les courants marins vers des barrages flottants, ceux ci tant auto aliments grce au soleil et aux vagues. Cela permettrait au plancton de nager en dessous des systems tandis que les plus petits morceaux de plastique seraient capturs. al argue that before doctor prognosis of autism is tried all primary care physicians should routinely, when necessary, use developmental screening tests on their patients. Unfortunately, lower than 1/3 of “primary care suppliers have been shown clinical conduct a standardized developmental screening test in child office visits” Blackwell, 2001, p. 534. The AAN guidelines urge that after a baby has behind schedule language advancement or motor skills, doctor basic care carrier should instantly engage in audio logical evaluation medical rule out any ear or auditory issues, followed by using doctor CHAT, Autism Screening Questionnaire Blackwell, 2001, p. 535. At scientific help stage, one of two things must happen, either doctor child passes or fails doctor test; if doctor child passes, then doctor child still must undergo a formal diagnostic technique adding a neurological analysis, if doctor child fails doctor medical doctors must communicate doctor need for early child hood intervention with doctor school district moreover medical doctor formal diagnostic evaluation Blackwell, 2001, p.