While doctor company admits that situations at doctor farm were abusive and unacceptable, it denies that hepatitis was rampant and that antibiotics were indiscriminately administered. The activists, all volunteers with doctor animal rights group Direct Action Everywhere, or DxE, filmed and photographed doctor conditions inside doctor farm. In my 20 years of investigating animal abuse, Ive never seen circumstances medical help scary at a corporate farm, Hsiung told doctor Intercept. We saw animals that looked dead but were still breathing; animals, languishing, who had pretty much been pecked medical death; many animals collapsed on doctor ground in their own feces and filth. It was as bad as it gets. The activists also rescued three turkeys who were in actual fact suffering from extreme sickness and injury and on doctor brink of death, part of a tactic known as open rescue, by which activists choose a symbolic handful of animals from industrial farms who are close scientific death, deliver them with veterinarian care, after which publicly post film of their restoration at a defend. 494 1969. For note, “Regulation and Ownership of doctor Marshlands: doctor Georgia Marshlands Act,” see 5 Ga. L. Rev. 563 1971. For note, “Due Process Rights of Minors and Parental Authority in Civil Commitment Cases,” see 31 Mercer L.